Ex. 18.7
Ex. 18.7
Consider a linear regression problem where \(p\gg N\), and assume the rank of \(\bX\) is \(N\). Let the SVD of \(\bX=\bb{U}\bb{D}\bb{V}^T = \bb{R}\bb{V}^T\),where \(\bb{R}\) is \(N\times N\) nonsingular, and \(\bb{V}\) is \(p\times N\) with orthonormal columns.
(a) Show that there are infinitely many least-squares solutions all with zero residuals.
(b) Show that the ridge-regression estimate for \(\beta\) can be written
(c) Show that when \(\lambda=0\), the solution \(\hat\beta_0 = \bb{V}\bb{D}^{-1}\bb{U}^T\by\) has residuals all equal to zero, and is unique in that it has the smallest Euclidean norm amongst all zero-residual solutions.
Soln. 18.7
(a) Since \(\bX\in\mathbb{R}^{p\times N}\) has rank \(N\le p\), we know there exists \(\alpha\neq 0\) such that \(\bX\alpha = 0\). If \(\hat\beta_0\) has zero residuals, so does \(\hat\beta_0 + k\alpha\) for any \(k\in\mathbb{R}\). Therefore there are infinitely many least-squares solutions all with zero residuals.
(b) This is the same as Ex. 18.4.
(c) Note that
so \(\hat\beta_0\) has zero residual.
Suppose that \(\hat\beta_0+\beta\) has zero residual for some \(\beta \neq \bb{0}\), that is, \(\bX(\hat\beta_0+\beta) = \by\). Since \(\hat\beta_0\) has zero residual, we know
Note that \(\bR\) is \(N\times N\) nonsingular, so we have \(\bV^T\beta = 0\). Now consider the Euclidean norm of \(\hat\beta_0+\beta\), we have
Since \(\beta^T\beta > 0\), we know that \(\hat\beta_0\) has the smallest Euclidean norm.