Ex. 3.18

Ex. 3.18

Read about conjugate gradient algorithms (Murray et al., 1981, for example) Practical Optimization, and establish a connection between these algorithms and partial least squares.

Soln. 3.18

We briefly review the conjugate gradient algorithm described in Murray et al., 1981. The conjugate-gradient method described in Section in Practical Optimization can be applied to minimize the quadratic function \(c^T + \frac{1}{2}x^TGx\), where \(G\) is symmetric and positive definite, it computes the solution of the system

\[\begin{equation} Gx = -c.\non \end{equation}\]

When describing the linear conjugate-gradient method, it's customary to use the notation \(r_j\) (for residual) for the gradient vector \(c+Gx_j\). To initiate the iterations, we adopt the convention that \(\beta_{-1}=0, p_{-1}=0\). Given \(x_0\) and \(r_0=c+ Gx_0\), each iteration includes the following steps for \(k=0,1,...\):

\[\begin{eqnarray} p_k &=&-r_k + \beta_{k-1}p_{k-1}\non\\ \alpha_k &=& \frac{\|r_k\|_2^2}{p_k^TGp_k}\non\\ x_{k+1} &=& x_k + \alpha_kp_k\non\\ r_{k+1} &=& r_k + \alpha_kGp_k\non\\ \beta_k &=& \frac{\|r_{k+1}\|_2^2}{\|r_k\|_2^2}\non \end{eqnarray}\]

In theory, the algorithm will compute the exact solution within a fixed number of iterations. In particular, the method has the property that, if exact arithmetic is used, convergence will occur in \(m\le n\) iterations, where \(m\) is the number of distinct eigenvalues of \(G\).

The connection between this algorithm (iteratively getting \(\hat\beta^{m}\)) and PLS (iteratively getting \(\hat \by^m\)) is \(\hat \by^m = \bX\hat\beta^m\).